Words Matter (8 weeks online with Anna B)
"The quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life." Esther Perel The way we speak and the way we hear what others say matters to our wellbeing, our relationships, and the joy and we experience. If you struggle with: repeating the same old, painful patterns in conversations with your partner, friends, colleagues having […]
Ōtaki – Effective Communication (for women) w/Anna Groves
Otaki, Kapiti , New ZealandSpeak Up: Effective Communication Skills for Women Date: 23 February, 2025 Time: 10am - 4pm Venue: Kaitawa Sanctuary, Ōtaki Gorge. Cost: $100 waged / $60 unwaged A transformative one-day workshop designed to help women develop powerful communication skills and build the confidence to speak up in any setting. What You Will Learn: Building Confidence in Speaking: […]
Christchurch – Listening & Speaking with Heart – Jim & Valerie
BodyVoice Alive Studio 23 Joyce Crescent, Ilam, Christchurch, Canterbury, New ZealandMarch 15 & 16 2025 - Weekend workshop in Christchurch 9:30 am to 5pm Saturday and Sunday (in Ilam) Learn how the basic skills of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) can support us to Listen and Speak with Heart, and support connection in our daily lives. You can expect interactive style learning and relevant practice opportunities in […]
From Chaos to Connection – For Parents
ZoomWeek 1: Welcome
In our first week, we will explore what you need in order to get the most out of the programme, identify your vision for your family and specific goals and intentions for our time together.
Week 2: Restoring Connection
We explore the importance of the relationship we have with our children as a container for their growth and development, and the impact on them (and us) when there are challenges with connection.
Week 3: Understanding the lens through which you see the world
Learn how our beliefs/judgments about the world create a lens through which we understand and interpret our child, explore two fundamentally different ways we can experience the world.
Week 4: Feelings, Self Regulation and Co-regulation
How to use your feelings, sensations and emotions to understand your needs, express yourself, to self-regulate when you are triggered and to support your children to regulate themselves.
Week 5: How to Observe Without Judgement
We will explore the importance of separating your observations of your child from your evaluations, the role of evaluations in conflict and how clear observations can support peace.
Week 6: Empathy
We will look at the importance of empathy to your children’s development and learn some skills for offering empathy and understanding to your children even in the most challenging moments.
Week 7: Requests - From Connection to Manifestation
We will practise making clear, doable requests that capture your deepest needs and longings and that are more likely to be heard by your children.
Week 8: Integration and Roadmap
In our final week, we’ll focus on integrating everything you’ve learned, reflecting on your progress, and celebrating your achievements. You will leave with a toolkit of strategies, a renewed vision for your family, and a clear roadmap to guide you forward on this journey.
HASTINGS – Filipa Hope w/Communication for Connection
HastingsApril 5th & 6th 2025 weekend. 9 - 4.30 both days, onsite in Hastings. This foundational NVC workshop meets all levels of NVC experience; from first introduction to deepening years of inner practice. Filipa's facilitation of her exercises, practices, and group holding, will give you new and enhanced self-awareness and interpersonal skills. Through the 2-days […]
Yearning for more peace?
Join a weekend workshop in Auckland with Cécile and Louise
Takapuna Lake House Art
37 Fred Thomas Drive, Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand
Join a weekend workshop in Auckland to explore new powerful skills and foster more peaceful relationships.
Inner Freedom w/Filipa: Intermediate level NVC
HastingsCultivating Inner Freedom: growing in capacity Facilitated by Filipa Hope, informed by the work of Robert Gonzales 'Living Compassion'. April 12th &13th weekend 2025 Onsite in HASTINGS. This intermediate level NVC workshop assumes some understanding and awareness of the components and principles of NVC. Over the 2-day weekend workshop learning will include: Developing inner peace - […]
Autumn Gathering Camp – Nth Auckland – Susie & Team – April 2025
Tapora, North Auckland 1280 Run Road, Tapora, North Auckland, New Zealandhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t49yuLx2v-k We come together as a circle of friends, playfully exploring and living NVC (nonviolent communication) consciousness. We do this surrounded by nature for 6 days, opening our hearts to giving and to receiving. 'Coming to our senses’ is the theme for 2025. A cheeky play on words but more importantly it’s an invite to […]
Kids at Heart: coaching toolkit for parents, teachers and others who care (online, with Anna B)
Are you a parent, teacher or adult who cares about children and their well-being? Do you long to have more tools to create the kind of relationships that nurture children’s mental health? Do you want to know how to shift misunderstandings, hurts and outbursts of anger into connection? In this ten-week online course, you will […]
10wk Adv NVC Spirituality Online w/Filipa Hope
OnlineExploring NVC Spirituality: 5 sessions in Living Compassion. 5 Session program over 10 weeks w/Filipa. These advanced level NVC teachings and practices assume an understanding and awareness of the principles and key distinctions of Nonviolent Communication. Begins: Monday April 28th 10am - 12.30 2025 New Zealand time zone. Session Dates: April 28th, May 12th, 26th, […]