The Dance Floors are a fun, novel and creative method of integrating NVC that acknowledges a variety of learning styles and uses spatial maps made up of large, coloured cards placed on the floor in various layouts called ‘dances.’ People practice NVC standing up and ‘dance’ through the steps of a given process, such as dialogues with others (Stages 1 – 3) or inner processes (including self-empathy, mediating inner conflicts, and transforming anger, guilt, shame or depression).
You may want to buy Dance Floor materials if you are: -
– Learning NVC and have been introduced to Dance Floors at a workshop
– Helping others learn NVC at introductory events, practice groups and trainings
– A self-study practice group who have already worked through Lucy Leu’s ‘Companion Workbook’
To purchase any of the GROK products contact:
Phil Toms email:
NVC Dance Floor Stage 1 : 13 Steps – LAMINATED Set $38.00

The Inner-Outer Dances offer a way to consciously move between your inner process and your outer process in a dialogue. The ‘inner process’ refers to anything that goes on within yourself, i.e. when you connect with yourself. The ‘outer process’ takes place whenever you orient your attention to your connection with another person, wanting to express yourself or receive them. This is Stage 1 of the 3 Set ‘Inner-Outer Dances’ Stage 1: 13 STEPS Stage 1 of the Inner-Outer Dance involves listening to our judging and blaming, connecting to our observations, feelings, needs and requests, expressing our observation, feelings, needs and requests and receiving others observations, feelings, needs and requests. Use this Dance to: • Practise distinguishing observations, feelings, needs and requests. • Develop awareness of which mode you are in (expressing/receiving/connecting with self). • Transform judgmental thinking into needs-based awareness
Printed in black on coloured A4 card, each card laminated. The Dance has a total of 13 cards and comes with a full set of instructions on how to run the Dance Floor. Supplied in polypropylene pop-lock envelope.
NVC Dance Floor Stage 2: Integration – LAMINATED Set $30.00

This is Stage 2 of the 3-Set ‘Inner-Outer Dances’. The Inner-Outer Dances offer a way to consciously move between your inner process and your outer process in a dialogue. The ‘inner process’ refers to anything that goes on within yourself, i.e. when you connect with yourself. The ‘outer process’ takes place whenever you orient your attention to your connection with another person, wanting to express yourself or receive them. This is Stage 2 of the 3 Set ‘Inner-Outer Dances’ Stage 2: INTEGRATION & CONNECTION Stage 2 of the Inner-Outer Dance. Each stage is graduated to develop the skills needed to sustain an NVC dialogue. ‘Integration’ is achieved by combining observation, feelings and needs into one step. ‘Connection’ is explored through the addition of the two ‘connection requests’ in the expressing mode. Use this Dance to: • Integrate the observations, feelings and needs steps deeper into your own consciousness. • Learn about and practise making connection requests. • Sense when to express connection requests and when to express your action request. • Make conscious choices about which mode to be in at each moment.
Printed in black on coloured A4 card, each card laminated. The Dance has a total of 7 cards and comes with a full set of instructions on how to run the Dance Floor. Supplied in polypropylene pop-lock envelope.
NVC Dance Floor Stage 3: Fluency – LAMINATED Set $30.00

The Inner-Outer Dances offer a way to consciously move between your inner process and your outer process in a dialogue. The ‘inner process’ refers to anything that goes on within yourself, i.e. when you connect with yourself. The ‘outer process’ takes place whenever you orient your attention to your connection with another person, wanting to express yourself or receive them. This is Stage 3 of the 3 Set ‘Inner-Outer Dances’ Stage 2: FLUENCY Stage 3 of the Inner-Outer Dance. Each stage is graduated to develop the skills needed to sustain an NVC dialogue. ‘Integration’ is achieved by combining observation, feelings and needs into one step. ‘Connection’ is explored through the addition of the two ‘connection requests’ in the expressing mode. Use this Dance to: • Learn the differences between expressing your own connection requests and receiving those of another person. • Practise spotting the signals from another person that indicate that they would enjoy you receiving their connection requests as the next step in the dialogue. • Try out colloquial wording for receiving another person’s connection requests. • Care for your own needs in a situation while full embracing the other person’s needs. • Experience the shift that comes when both people’s needs are heard and respected, and how ideas for action that satisfies everyone then flow creatively. • Weave all your ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ skills together into a fully fluent needs-based dialogue.
Printed in black on coloured A4 card, each card laminated. The Dance has a total of 10 cards and comes with a full set of instructions on how to run the Dance Floor. Supplied in polypropylene pop-lock envelope.
NVC Dance Floor : Connect with Respect – LAMINATED Set $35.00

The same layout as ‘NVC Dance Floor Stage 1: 13 step cards, using simpler language, such as, ‘What happened?’ ‘How I feel’ ‘What I need’ ‘What I want you or me to do about it’ These cards make a pathway to constructive communication. A carefully created colour coding is designed to make it more effective and easy for people to learn and practise this Dance of Communication. The colours also help people internalise and recall the steps. And if they don’t read, they can still learn the map. The colours match and integrate with all the NVC Dance Floor and associated NVC materials.
Printed in black on coloured A4 card, each card laminated. The Dance has a total of 13 cards and comes with a full set of instructions on how to run the Dance Floor. Supplied in polypropylene pop-lock envelope.
NVC Dance Floor : Self Empathy – LAMINATED Set $28.00

The Self Empathy Dance is a way to give yourself the gift of empathy in relation to something you are celebrating or something that is painful for you. Your focus might be personal, interpersonal, political or spiritual. Using this dance regularly will help you grow in your ability to access empathy for yourself, by yourself, in each moment of your life. An inner dance to fully welcome your judgments as life-connected information, clearly identify triggers, fully sense your feelings and needs and bring creativity to generating requests that might meet your needs – then decide what action to take right away.
Printed in black on coloured A4 card, each card laminated. The Dance has a total of 8 cards and comes with a full set of instructions on how to run the Dance Floor. Supplied in polypropylene pop-lock envelope.
NVC Dance Floor : Anger/Shame/Guilt – LAMINATED Set $28.00

The Anger Dance supports you when you realise you feel angry and choose to do the inner work to transform your anger. The same process applies if you are feeling guilt, shame or depression. The intention is not to get rid of the energy in these feelings, but to transform it into energy that you can use constructively and non-violently. There may be some things you wish to change, and you have a better chance of changing them without the toxicity of anger/guilt/shame in your system.
Printed in black on coloured A4 card, each card laminated. The Dance has a total of 7 cards and comes with a full set of instructions on how to run the Dance Floor. Supplied in polypropylene pop-lock envelope.
NVC Dance Floor : Transforming the Pain – LAMINATED Set $28.00

The ‘Transforming the Pain of Unmet Needs to the Beauty of Needs’ Dance transposes the process created by Susan Skye and Robert Gonzales onto the Dance Floor. It provides the space to transform deep pain held in relation to an experience into clarity, compassion and empowerment.
Printed in black on coloured A4 card, each card laminated. The Dance has a total of 9 cards and comes with a full set of instructions on how to run the Dance Floor. Supplied in polypropylene pop-lock envelope.
NVC Dance Floor : Educator/Chooser – LAMINATED Set $28.00

An inner dance to help you mourn, learn and grow when you are not satisfied with actions you have taken. Based on Marshall’s ‘inner educator’ and ‘inner chooser’. The process includes listening to our jackal voices and transforming them into feelings and needs. The Educator/Chooser Dance is a deep inner process, which enables you to come to peace with yourself, in relation something you did or said that you wish you had not done.
Printed in black on coloured A4 card, each card laminated. The Dance has a total of 5 cards and comes with a full set of instructions on how to run the Dance Floor. Supplied in polypropylene pop-lock envelope.
NVC Dance Floor : Yes/No – LAMINATED Set $28.00

An inner dance designed to help you resolve inner conflict, to see the beauty in both options in a decision and stay open to a solution that meets the needs in both. It has similarities to Educator – Chooser and is useful when making a present choice. The Yes/No Dance is useful when you feel inner conflict about a choice you want to make. It helps you bring the heart-intelligence of needs-connection into decision making, increasing the likelihood your choices will be fulfilling. It integrates the apparent ‘either-or’ split in this decision, and encourages a ‘both-and’ solution to emerge.
Printed in black on coloured A4 card, each card laminated. The Dance has a total of 6 cards and comes with a full set of instructions on how to run the Dance Floor. Supplied in polypropylene pop-lock envelope.